Find the Assistance YOU Need!
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of New Orleans provides programs to relieve emergencies, to provide stability, and to encourage self-sufficiency. If you need food, clothing, financial assistance, education or employment assistance, we want to help.

Need Help?
SVdP Is Here For You.
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) New Orleans has been working since 1852 to ensure those impacted by poverty have the skills, resources and opportunity to achieve their full potential.
“For It Is In Giving That We Receive”
- St. Francis of Assisi
By Location:
We operate as a large network of parish church conferences and collaborate with other nonprofit agencies and organizations. We work to help those directly via our conferences. Search for a location nearest you!
By Need:
To see if we can help you with a specific need, you can search our services page for all available programs. With a variety of programs and the assistance of our Vincentians, we are able to help assist those in need.